July 19, 2018

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Pickering Community Club Minutes




July 19, 2018

Meeting Type






Special Club




Board of Directors




Special Board of Directors





Kenny Latimer, President


Past President, Karen Schroeder


Laura VanEtten, Vice President


Member at large, Robyn Patterson


Secretary, Roxanne Silverthorn


Member at large, Nancy Bauer


Treasurer, Jonelle Adams



Others Present


John Gummell

Sign in Sheet for
Members and Guests


Attached in minute book

  1. Laura called the meeting to order.
  2. The minutes of June 17, 2018 were approved.
  3. Jonelle reported that there was $40,592 in the bank.
  4. Jonelle reminded everyone that there is a work party on July 20th from 9am to noon to clean up the grounds and school prior to the Mason County Historical Society picnic on July 21st and the auction on August 4th.
  5. The Pickering Community Club honored the long-standing members for helping to maintain and preserve the school though out the years.   Laura gave a slide show presentation and members talked about the evolution of the school over the years. 
  6. Roxanne gave an update on the upcoming auction and stated that ticket sales, food and auction items are wonderful.   She also mentioned that if you have friends that would like to attend to please invite them.
  7. The members welcomed Kathy Jonas as a new member.  Pam introduced her guest John Gummel who is the new Superintendent of the Pioneer School District.

Meeting Adjourned
Roxanne Silverthorn
